Can you post links to old finals or midterms?

posting_exams = False
message = "I will never be posting any past exams here!"
request = "Please do not open any issue tickets asking me to post them."
if not posting_exams:
print(message, request)

Can I access the slides with my personal email?

String accessFiles = "You'll only be able to access"
+ "slides/notes with your uOttawa email.";
String noAccessFiles = "You wont be able to use other email"
+ "addresses to access slides... \nSorry";
boolean uOttawaEmailOnly = true;
if (uOttawaEmailOnly) {
} else {

Where do I navigate to to find my class?

const char* note_locations = "Get your slides and notes from the pages on the left."
std::cout << note_locations << std::endl;

My class is not on the site - can you add it?

const URL='https://github.com/FaizChishtie/sesa-review-session-site/issues/new/choose'
let newClassAddable = true;
if ( newClassAddable ) {
console.log( 'Of course we can! Provided we have the time/ the class is requested enough.'
+ '\nNavigate to: ' + URL

Open a ticket


If you find any issues/have remarks please open an issue/propose a feature on github.