
JUnit related topics will be covered here.



I'd suggest downloading these into wherever your java folder is.

Editing Path/Environment Variables

Java's way of editing path/env variables


Go to:

Setings> Edit the system environment variables > Environment variables > System variables > CLASSPATH

Add two entries which point to the locations of your files!

i.e. C:\Somepath\junit-4.13.jar

Note: Replace Somepath with your file locations


You're going to have to edit the commands based on where your files are located.

I'd suggest pasting the commands into a text document and modifying them before entering them in the command line.

Either run this in your terminal each new session:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:Wherever your files are/junit-4.13/junit-4.13.jar:Wherever your files are/junit-4.13/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:.

Or navigate to .bash_profile and write this:

cd ~
cat .bash_profile
echo export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:Wherever your files are/junit-4.13/junit-4.13.jar:Wherever your files are/junit-4.13/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:. >> .bash_profile

If you can't find .bash_profile:

Make sure you're in the right directory (i.e. cd ~)

Try writing l - You should see this:

fchishtie@MyComputerName ~ l  ✔  214815:04:11
total 1112
-rw------- 1 fchishtie staff 7.1K 5 Mar 2019 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 fchishtie staff 593B 2 Apr 2019 .bash_profile

If you want to be cool & faster you can also write l | grep .bash_profile but don't worry about this too much.

If you don't see that - try writing cd ~ again & retry the commands above!